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Saturday, July 20, 2024  |  10AM – 4PM

Tickets available at the museum admissions desk.

The Frontiers of Flight Museum is pleased to host its 16th Moon Day annual event!

Moon Day not only celebrates the Apollo 11 landing anniversary, but also showcases the past, present, and future of space exploration. Join us for activities that include family-oriented space-themed exhibits, activities, and presentations geared towards all ages. Admission grants free entry to this event. Tickets are available at the Museum admissions desk.

K-12 Educators: You can earn CPE credits while attending Moon Day! Visit our Information Table at the event to sign in and be given our tracking sheet. Up to 7 credit hours may be earned for attending the entire day and enough presentations! You will receive your certificate after turning in our tracking sheet. Pre-registration is required; please email to gain access to our form.

Scroll down or choose a button below to find more information about the day!

Our 2024 Keynote Speaker

Gregory H. Johnson, Colonel (Ret), USAF

Colonel Gregory H. Johnson is a retired US Air Force officer, aerospace engineer, and NASA astronaut. He is currently an F-16/T-50 test pilot based at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics in Fort Worth. Johnson also serves as a Board member/advisor for a few space start-ups and STEM non-profits.

Johnson started his career in the US Air Force, flying over 50 different aircraft, accumulating over 5,000 hours, including ~60 F-15E combat missions in the Persian Gulf. In 1998, he joined the NASA astronaut corps and ultimately piloted two Space Shuttle missions, STS-123 and STS-134. After leaving NASA, he served as Executive Director for the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space, a non-profit commissioned to maximize utilization of the International Space Station to benefit life here on the Earth. Most recently, he served as a crew integration engineer for the Human Landing System Ascent Element and other business development at Lockheed Martin Space.

Johnson is a member of the Association of Space Explorers, Associate Fellow of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots, Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and an honorary Rotarian. He has a BS in Aeronautical Engineering from the US Air Force Academy, an MS in Flight Structures Engineering from Columbia University, and an MBA from the University of Texas (Austin).

View our keynote’s official NASA biography to learn more.

Presentation Schedule

10:30AM - 11:15AM
Moon Bounce! Intro to EME Communication
Billye Cheek, Dallas Amateur Radio Club
Lunar Crash Course
FOFM Education Dept
Conference Room N
Postcards from the Moon
Robert Reeves, Celestron
11:30AM - 12:15PM
Apollo 11 Moon Phases
Chaz Hafey, Dallas College-Brookhaven
The Voyager Spacecraft: Humanity's Farthest Journey
Bruce Bleakley, Historian
12:30PM - 1:15PM
Robots & Rovers
Cynthia & Dietrich Whisennand, Solar System Ambassadors
Pioneering the Path to the Moon
Robert Reeves, Celestron
1:15 PM - 1:45 PM
Rocket Building Contest
FOFM Education Dept
Main Exhibit Hall
2:15PM - 3:00PM
Keynote Address
Astronaut Gregory Johnson (ret.)
2:30PM - 3:00PM
Lunar Landers
FOFM Education Department
3:15PM - 4:00PM
Autograph Session
Astronaut Gregory Johnson (ret.)

Back to School Supply Drive!

We are proud to partner with Community Partners of Dallas during Moon Day. From Monday, July 15, to Sunday, July 21, we will collect supplies for children in need.

For more information, check out CPD’s Back to School Flyer, 2024 Back to School Recipes, and their CPD Fact Sheet.


We are again offering opportunities for both Boy and Girl Scouts to complete the requirements for badges/patches!

Boy Scouts can earn Astronomy, Radio, or Space Exploration.

Girl Scouts can complete their Space Science Badges.

Workbooks/worksheets will be printed and available at Frontiers of Flight Museum – Activity 1 (Table 27).


Food Vendors
Easy Slider
Kona Ice
Ruthie's Fueled by Good
Exhibitors & Partners

American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics/Society of Flight Test Engineers/Society of Experimental Test Pilots

AMSAT – Radio Amateur Satellite Corp

Civil Air Patrol


Dallas Arboretum

Dallas Area Rocket Society

Dallas College – STEM Institute

Dallas ISD Environmental Education Center

Dallas Mars Society

Dallas Personal Robotics Group

Dallas Society of Women Engineers

Dallas Zoo

DJ Astronaut

Iron Reign Robotics

Lawson Event Rentals

Monnig Meteorite Collection

National Space Society of North Texas

North Texas Brick Society

Royal Caterer


Texas Astronomical Society of Dallas

Texas State Parks

Triumph Workshop